
  • Dr Harshal Mangesh Bari
  • Dr Apurva Shivaji Mithe
  • Dr Kushal Chhotu Chaudhari


The classical Ayurvedic texts provide detailed information about respiratory disorders, including their symptoms, causes and treatment methods. Major pathological manifestations includes Peenasa, respiratory allergies, Kasa, nasal polyp, Pratishyaya and deviated nasal septum, etc. To effectively treat these conditions, it is essential to select medications with predominantly Tikta, Katu and Kashaya tastes, as well as qualities like Ruksha, Tikshna, Laghu, Ushna, Vishada, Khara, Ushna Veerya and Sukshma. Medicines such as Triphala, Bibhitaki, Chitrak and Ashwagandha offer relief in the management of respiratory problems. Purification therapies like Vasti, Nasyam, Vamana and Virechana are using for relieving Dosha vitiation including Kapha Dosha which is mainly involves in respiratory issues. Present article explain various aspects of respiratory disorders, Ayurveda drugs and Chikitsa Sutra for respiratory disorders.

Key-Words: Ayurveda, Kapha, Dosha, Respiratory


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