
  • Dr. Harisankar K T


Introduction: According to Ayurveda, when Trayopasthambha is in balance, one can attain an optimal state of health, or Svastha. The Charaka Samhita asserts that "one who manages these three pillars properly is guaranteed a full life span that will not be cut short by disease" because of how completely these pillars are inverted in tradition. For this reason, a healthy diet, digestion, and elimination are essential to our wellbeing. According to Ayurveda, certain diets and their combinations that disrupt a tissue's metabolism, prevent a tissue from forming, or have the opposite effect of the tissue are referred   to   as   Viruddha   ahara. Methodology: Viruddha Ahara can lead to inflammation at a molecular level. Number of food incompatibilities are mentioned in old Ayurved literature. These type of food combinations are not in use in today's era. We have to identify new food incompatibilities, which are used today in day-to-day life as per Ayurvedic perspective. These food incompatibilities can also be categorized into Karma Viruddha, Veerya Viruddha, and so on. Such food combinations can prove harmful, which may be imparting its untoward effects on immune system, cellular metabolism, growth hormone,DHEAS. Enlisting the 18 type of virudha and list out the examples said in ayurveda and contemporary practice. Then find out the relations with modern concepts. Result: The concept of virudha can relate with food adulteration and poisoning. The pathophysiological changes caused virudha explained by different acharya can be correlated with the modern pathology concepts like Free radical theroy, food combination, food processing. Discussion: Smoked, barbecued food etc contain high level of lipid peroxides which produces free radicals. Key role in the pathogenesis of cancer, atherosclerosis, diabetes etc. Along with the combination of different proteins, carbohydrate and there is harmful effect on our systems. Untimely food that causes fermentation of food inside our GIT is a factor leading to systemic diseases and all are under virudha

Keywords: Ahara, Virudha, Gara visha, Food adulteration, Free radicals


