Eating Disorders (ED) classified under psychosomatic disorders. Ayurveda states it as Ubhayashtrita vyadhi (Shareera/ Manas) as the site, where its impairment leads to manifestation of ED. Improper diet, emotional health (anxiety, stress), behavioral/ mood changes, body shaming, bullying etc. as most common cause in manifestation of ED like anorexia nervosa, bulimia nervosa and binge eating disorder (BED).Mind-body spectrum- 4 clusters hold vital entity in ED as it explains the connection with the physical thoughts, feelings and behavior with their physical symptoms.
ED affect at least 9% of the world population and 2-3 % in India involving mainly women who are at higher risk1. ED leads to eating distress syndrome (EDS) which are serious, potentially life-threatening conditions that affect a person’s emotional and physical health. In Indian population, they do not open up at the beginning of symptomatology, hence prevalence is on lesser number. General consequences of ED are affecting almost all system of an individual. BED is more seen in lifestyle disorders like diabetes, obesity etc. Researchers suggest that 25% to 50% of obese patients who seek weight-loss treatment suffer from problems with BED.
Patrimony of Ayurveda– Agni, Aama, Manas, Tridosha, Sapthadhatu, Trimala etc. are the Siddhantas (theorems) help in tackle the BED. As its Psychosomatic disorder understanding essence of Ayurveda with Yoga would be beneficial as an integrative therapy.
ED, BED, Ubhaya ashritha, mind body spectrum, eating distress syndrome, Yoga.
Eating disorders awareness week Mon Mar 13 2023. accessed date November 17, 2023.
Definition and facts of binge eating disorder. Reviewed May 2021. accessed date November 17, 2023.
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