Stress encountered by a teacher is a kind of disagreeable and undesirable feelings like anger, anxiety, tension, frustration or depression etc. in teaching profession. The study aimed to see the effect of Nadishuddhi & Bhramari Pranayama along with Yoganidra (YN) on stress, sleep and quality of life among school teachers.
The study is carried out to see the changes in 54 female school teachers age ranging from 22 to 60 years. In Yoga Group (n=28, mean age 36.54±7.10 and Control Group (n=26, mean age 37.96±7.83) were recruited for the study. Yoga Group (YG) was given 5 min of Nadishuddhi& Bhramari Pranayama with 20 minutes Yoganidra relaxation 6 days in a week for3 weeks and Control Group (CG) continued with regular activities as usual. Both groups had been assessed before and after with Perceived Stress Scale (PSS), Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index (PSQI) and Quality of Life (QOL) Questionnaires.
Perceived Stress Scale reduced (23%, P< 0.001), Pittsburg Sleep Quality Index (PSQI) Improved (37%, P< 0.001) in Yoga Group with significant difference between Groups (P < 0.001). In Quality of life Physical Health (15%, P < 0.001), Psychological Health (20%, P < 0.001), Social Relation (26%, P<0.001), Environmental Health (25%, P < 0.001) data showed significant improvement in yoga group compared with control group (P <0.001).
Three weeks of relaxative yoga practices are very effective to reduce stress, disturbances of sleep and improve quality of life in teaching professionals.
Key Words
School Teacher, Stress, Yoganidra, Pranayama, Sleep, QOL.
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