Abstract:Background: Vitiligo is the most common depigmentation disorder presented as an absence of pigmented cells in the epidermis resulting in a macular or hypopigmented patch all over the body. Mucous membranes of lips, genitalia, sun-exposed areas such as the face, hands and rarely hair and eyes may also be affected. Many articles have shown the efficacy of individualised homoeopathic medicines in the treatment of Vitiligo.
Method: A case of Focal Vitiligo(FC) is done according to the HOM- CASE guidelines with the intervention of individualized Homoeopathic medicine Phosphorus in ultra dilution.
Result: The vitiligo spots are healed completely healed without any adverse events. The outcome was assessed by Monarch Inventory (Improved version of the modified Naranjo criteria for Homoeopathy) along with the photographs.
Conclusion: This case study has proven over and again the strength of Individualised homoeopathic prescription. This case study's findings merit rigorous clinical trials, especially Randomized Controlled Trials (RCT), to test the efficacy of an individualised homoeopathic intervention in vitiligo cases.
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