Hypothyroidism is one of the most common endocrine disorders. It is a common condition of thyroid hormone deficiency, which is readily diagnosed and managed but potentially fatal in severe cases if untreated. Homoeopathy, however, provides a better response in such conditions; one such case report is presented below. Patient attended Out Patient Department (OPD) chiefly for complaints of frequent Swelling Of Extremities, Especially Of Both The Hands, Weight Gain, Tiredness, Drowsiness, Hairfall And Constipation. She was suffering from hypothyroidism for past 2 months. After detailed case taking and repertorization, Kali Brom 30 was given and gradually, the medicine was repeated as per the response of the medicine upon Patient. The patient gradually started improving during the course of treatment and continues to be free from his complains at the time of last follow up visit in OPD.
Hypothyroidism, Case Report, Homoeopathic Management, Kali Bromatum, Thyroid Profile
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