INTRODUCTION: Cough being the most commonest and diagnostic symptom of Respiratory tract infection, played an important role in rapid spread of Covid-19 disease through droplet infection or aerosol spread. The Conventional system relieves the Respiratory symptoms like Cough and Expectoration through anti allergics and antihistaminics, but has lot of side effects like dizziness and drowsiness whereas Homoeopathy which treats the patient based on symptom similarity had more success rate in treating without any side effects, including the ongoing Pandemic Covid19. In such Violent Pandemic, Acute Prescription is most important than a Constitutional similimum, which can be chosen by using Regional Repertories that aid in the quick Prescription. This work is to show some case studies of Respiratory diseases which have shown good improvement by using the Regional Repertory on Cough and Expectoration written in 1884 by J.H.Clarke & Edmund Lee, which was overlooked by many Homoeopaths, and it may also be utilized in overcoming and treating Covid / Post Covid Respiratory complications.
MATERIALS AND METHODS: Repertory of Cough and Expectoration by Lee & Clarke was utilized and Rubrics similar to type of Cough and Expectoration in Covid was identified in this literature and mentioned. As a supportive study to show this Repertory utility A Prospective, Observational Case series study (conducted in 2009) ofvarious age groups from 18-60 years of both genders having Respiratory diseases with Cough and Expectoration as the primary symptom were assessed subjectively and objectively over one year by Homoeopathic Management. Since this Repertory cannot be used for a Classical Repertorisation, cases based on Peculiar striking Key Note symptom like type of Cough, aggravations, Concomitant or Associated symptoms, were Repertorized and remedies were selected. The outcome of the study was measured by symptomatic changes along with the investigations and Homoeopathy Management.
RESULTS: Among 30 cases, 11 cases suffering from URTI (Acute Pharyngitis, Laryngitis, ALTB..etc), and 19 cases belong to LRTI ( Bronchiectasis, Tuberculosis, Pneumonia..etc) Among the 30 cases, there is marked improvement in the 16 cases and 11 cases with moderate Improvement and 3 cases did not show any response.
KEY WORDS: Cough, Expectoration, Cough in Covid-19, Utility of Repertory on Cough and Expectoration.
CONCLUSION: This study has shown a positive results with good Improvement in many cases of Respiratory disease with Cough and Expectoration as the Primary Symptoms.
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