Skin diseases are always a primary concern to the victim. Chronicity and difficulty in management along with the tendency of reoccurrence makes them challenging. In Ayurveda, management of Kushta roga includes Sodhana and Samana chikitsa incorporated with proper Bahiparimarjana procedures. Sidhma kushta is one among eighteen kushta rogas is a major hurdle to the medical systems due to varied symptoms and high recurrence rate. Most of the symptoms of Sidhma kushta can be seen in psoriasis and due to its chronicity and unpredictable course of symptoms and triggering factors it needs an intensive treatment therapy including Sodhana and Samana chikitsa with proper Rasayana sevana. Rasasindoora is a very potent drug which is indicated in many diseases including Kushta roga and also has Rasayana property. Kshetreekarana is a preparatory procedure advised to be done before doing Rasaoushadhi sevana for the betterment of the action of the medicine. A diagnosed case of Sidhma kushta was taken, given Kshetreekarana followed by administration of Rasasindoora with proper Pathya ahara vihara sevana.
Keywords: Kushta roga, Sidhma kushta, Psoriasis, Rasasindoora, Kshetreekarana
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