Shwitra is a disease where white patches appear on body. It can be co-related to Vitiligo of modern science. All kind of skin diseases comes under Kustha Roga in Ayurveda. It is caused by vitiation of Tridosha. Vitiligo is autoimmune disease and it may be associated with other autoimmune disease as diabetes mellitus, pernicious anaemia and Addison disease. Incidence of vitiligo is 1 %. This disease becomes a social embarrassment and economic burden for the patient.
Thus the following article of treating the condition with Ayurvedic treatment protocol like Shodhana Karma (Virechana karma and Jalaukavacharana) and Shamanoushadhi (Bakuchi Churna and Gandhaka Rasayana) it becomes a new hope to provide effective and safe treatment. It showed a mark improvement in condition.
Key Words: Shwitra, Kustha Roga, Vitiligo, Virechana Karma, Jalaukavacharana
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