COVID-19 is an ongoing pandemic characterized by a rapid spread and high virulence across the world. None of the conventional antimicrobial and chemotherapeutic agents including vaccines have been identified to be disease-specific for this illness. The swiftly changing and resistant nature of the virus augments an imperative need to explore novel pharmacotherapeutic agents, such as those involving herbal medicine. Ayurvedic pharmacopoeia offers wide range of botanicals, polyherbal and herbomineral formulations proven to be effective against viral diseases. This manuscript is an outcome of extensive literature search with Ayurveda background to identify few such botanicals that are adopted effectively in Indian community to curb the features of COVID 19. All of them possess anti-viral, immunomodulatory or both the activities established through in vitro and in vivo models. Further, compound formulations of Ayurveda comprising these medicinal plants that could be adapted at various stages of COVID-19 are discussed here. Considering future perspectives, real time clinical documentation conjoined with reverse pharmacology studies in the laboratory setup are the current need. In view of the global burden of the disease and the corresponding health expenditure vis-a-vis the community, there is an imperative need to consider using these suggested plants which are easily available, cost effective and adaptable into multiple dosage forms to suit different age groups and patients with underlying comorbidities. Considering the gravity of the disease and its massive impact on the society, we exhort upon policy makers to propagate their cultivation, preservation and promotion as medicament and usage as home remedies. Thus it aids in self-reliance within communities to fight against COVID-19.
Keywords: Ayurveda, Antiviral, Botanicals, COVID-19, Immunomodulatory, Sannipataja Jwara
Running title: Introducing few Ayurvedic botanicals helpful in COVID 19
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