
  • Dr. LakshmyDevi K
  • Dr. Jitendra Kumar Sharma


The ancient science Ayurveda, describes the anatomy and physiology of the human body vividly in terms of Dosha, Dhatu, Malas and Srotas, Kostha, Kostangas etc. Human body is considered as a channel system constituted of innumerable channels designed for varied functions. The importance of Srotas goes without-a-say from the fact that it has been described by Caraka Acharya in an entire chapter ‘Sroto Vimāna’. Manifestation of a disease in the body results from a defective srotas which favors the dosha-dushya sammurchhana. Medovaha srotas if vitiated causes medo dushti which may be expressed as either Prameha poorva roopa or Sthoulya lakshana or the like. The inter-relation of medas and sthoulya and the sequelae arising from these have paved way for researches, especially in the treatment aspect recently. This necessitates a thorough knowledge of the basic concepts.

 The present study aims at an understanding of Medovaha srotas, its moola sthana and the diseases that may occur from its vitiation. Similar concepts from contemporary science have been analysed for a better understanding. 

Key words: Adipose tissue, Lipids, Medo dushti, Metabolic syndrome, Obesity, Sroto moolam


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