
  • Praveen S. Pateel Asst. Professor, Department of Community Health Nursing B.V.V. Sangha’s Sajjalashree Institute of Nursing Sciences Navanagar, Bagalkot, Karnataka


Background of the study:
The past two decades have witnessed revolutionary changes in the nature of the workplaces and the global economy. India is one of the competitive countries among other countries. Industrialization and globalization are changing Indian occupational morbidity drastically with an ever increasingly demand for a comfortable living. In recent days the numbers of industries are increasing. In India there are approximately 60 million workers over the age of 18 years are involved in various kinds of industrial works. Types of industries include cement factory, textile
and cotton industries etc. Lung cancer this has been known in industrial workers from the late 19th century. According to WHO reports between 1960 and 1980 the death rate due to lung cancer increased by 76% in men and by 135% in women (53 .36). At present lung cancer (Including cancers of the trachea and bronchus) is the most common cancer in the world with 51% of cases occurring in men. Globally, 85% of cases in men and 46% in women are due to smoking in developed countries the proportions are 91% for men and 62% for women and in developing countries 76% for men and 24% for women of present trends continue lung cancer is likely to be the most common fatal cancer in western women in 10 years or so out stripping even breast cancer. Lung cancer accounts for 6.8% of all malignancies in India.

1. To assess the knowledge about prevention of lung cancer among cement factory employees.
2. To evaluate the effectiveness of planned teaching programme about prevention of lung cancer.
3. To find out the relationship between the pretest knowledge about lung cancer with selected socio-demographic variables.
For the present study the conceptual framework is used based on General systems theory by Von Lund wing Bertlantfy METHOD This was quasi experimental study with 50 subjects were selected through simple random sampling technique. One group pre test post test design was used. Data was collected by means of a structured interview schedule which was divided into 2 sections (socio- demographic data and knowledge regarding prevention of lung cancer).The reliability of the tool was established by Split Half method. The Karl pearson’s coefficient of correlation r = 0.7999. Planned teaching programme on prevention of lung cancer was developed. After content validity of the tool was established by six experts. Data was analyzed by using descriptive and inferential statistical in terms of frequency, percentage, mean, standard deviation, student ‘t’ test values. RESULT It was proved that there was increase in the knowledge level of employees after implementing planned teaching programme, thus planned teaching programme on prevention of lung cancer among cement factory employees was effective. Out of 50 subjects 29(48%) of subjects had satisfactory knowledge, 20(40%) subjects had a inadequate and only 01(2%) had adequate knowledge regarding prevention of lung cancer before teaching programme (pre test). However after teaching programme (post test) about 45(90%) subjects had an adequate knowledge and 5(10%) subjects had satisfactory knowledge regarding prevention of lung cancer. CONCLUSION: The study proved that Planned teaching programme on prevention of lung cancer among cement factory employees was scientific, logical and cost effective strategy.
KEY WORDS:Employees, prevention of lung cancer, planned teaching programme.


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Asbestos, cancer mortality, cohort study, lung cancer, mesothelioma Received: 30 August 1993 accepted:26 December 1993.


