
  • Basma Fathy Abd Elhamed
  • Sahar ahmed Shafik
  • Amal Ibrahem Fouad


Background: Brick manufacturing industry is an old and important industry in Egypt, workers with low knowledge may expose to many types of hazards which may affect their health and safety. Aim: the study aimed to assess occupational health hazards among workers in warwara brick factory. Design: descriptive study design was used in this study. Setting: Study was conducted in warwara brick factory at Benha city, Qualiubiya governorate. Sample: A convenient sample consisted of 100 worker was recruited. tools: Two tools were used for data collection, I: consists of two parts; part1, Observational checklist to assess practice of worker's toward safety measures and part2, observational checklist of OHSAS II: Interview questionnaire consists of three parts designed to assess socio- demographic characteristics, presence of chronic diseases, worker's knowledge about types of occupational hazards, first aid and how to protect themselves. Results: the current study shows that two thirds of workers complain of moist cough, about half complain of inflammation of eyes, most of them complain of pain in the shoulders, 70% of the workers had unsatisfactory knowledge about physical hazards, 40% of them had satisfactory knowledge about chemical hazards, three quarters of sufficient light and enough personal protective equipments not present in the factory and there was highly significant positive correlation between total practice scores regarding occupational health hazards and their total knowledge scores. Conclusion: more than one third of workers had satisfactory knowledge about methods of preventions about occupational hazards and first aids, there was highly significant positive correction between total practices scores among workers regarding first aid and their total knowledge. Recommendation: improve quality of life of workers by encourage social activities.

Key words: Occupational hazards, Brick factory workers, Safety measures


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