
  • Muhammad Anka Nasiru Department of Nursing Sciences, College of Health Sciences, Usmanu Danfodiyo University Sokoto
  • Faruk U. Abubakar Department of Nursing Sciences, College of Health Sciences, Usmanu Danfodiyo University Sokoto


The objective of this study was to present data screening and preliminary analysis concerning the influence of psychosocial rudiments on the treatment-seeking behavior among obstetric fistula patients in Nigeria. Precisely, this study focused on the data screening and the preliminary analysis procedure that are imperative for conducting multivariate data analysis. This study employed a stratified random sampling method to select 321 respondents, of which 313 questionnaires were established to be suitable for the final data analysis, utilizing statistical package for social science (SPSS) version 22. The data was screened and cleaned to satisfy the assumptions of multivariate analysis through assessing the response rate, descriptive statistics, missing value, univariate and the multivariate outliers, normality, multicollinearity, and non-response bias. Generally, the result of the analysis indicated that the data of this study was established to be pure and receptive for further multivariate analysis.


Keywords: Data screening, preliminary analysis, treatment-seeking behavior, psychosocial rudiments, obstetric fistula, Nigeria


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