
  • Dr. Manjunath S Naregal


Venous ulcer is the commonest ulcer of the leg. The basic cause of venous ulcer is abnormal venous hypertension in the lower-third of the leg, ankle and dorsum of the foot. Various terms have been used e.g. varicose ulcer, post-thrombotic ulcer, gravitational ulcer etc 1venous ulcer results in reduced mobility, significant financial implications, and poor quality of life. There are no uniform guidelines for assessment and management of this group of conditions, which is reaching epidemic proportions in the prevalence. There is a wide variation in healing and recurrence rates of these ulcers

Venous ulcers need proper care and treatment to prevent infection and to heal. It's important to have any venous ulcers checked right away and proper maintenance to avoid recurrence.

Key words -Venous ulcer, varicose vein


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Parker CN, Finlayson KJ, Edwards HE. Predicting the likelihood of delayed venous leg ulcer healing and recurrence: development and reliability testing of risk assessment tools. Wound Manage Prev 2017;63(10):16–33.




Original Research Article