
  • Dr. Attri Vishavender
  • Dr. Mallikarjun Mallikarjun
  • Dr. Wahi Meenu


A kind of Swedana called sudation treatment makes the body sweat, which lessens stiffness, heaviness, and coldness. Sudation treatment frequently results in excessive sweating as a side effect. Although sudation therapy is a treatment and a daily practice in Ayurveda, it is typically linked with a steam bath. Ushna and Tikshna Guna generated the swedana drugs, which may enter the Srotas and trigger the sweat glands to produce additional heat. Swedana Karma speeds up this process by enhancing capillary permeability, moving morbidities to extracellular fluid by dilating and clearing the body's channels, and boosting capillary permeability. By ensuring that the core temperature (the temperature within the body) and the shell temperature (the temperature outside the body) are in harmony, swedana karma controls the body's temperature.Numerous Swedana Karma (sudation treatment) procedures described in our classics are comparable to various forms of physical therapy. Increasing sweat production is done via a procedure called swedana (sudation therapy). With regard to the Swedana (Sudation) techniques outlined in the Ayurvedic Classics, the aim of this research is to get a fundamental grasp of physiotherapy, including its forms, indications, contraindications, and effects.

KEYWORDS- Swedana karma, Sudation therapy, Physiotherapy etc.


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