
  • Kaleem Ahmad
  • Mohd Aleemuddin Quamri
  • Khadija Abdul Hafiz


The Habb-e-Hindi Zeeqi is a very common preparation of unani pharmaceuticals that are usually used in the management of Zeequn Nafas (bronchial asthma). It is composed of Beesh (Aconitum chasmanthum), Post-e-Bekh Madar (Calotropis procera), and Aab-e-Adrak (Zingiber officinale) that act as Muhallil (anti-inflammatory), Mukhaddir (anesthetics), Daf-i-Tasannuj (antispasmodics), Mushil (purgative), Munaffis-i-Balgham (expectorant), Mukhrij-i-Balgham (phlegmagogue), and Hadim (digestive). The information on Habb-e-Hindi Zeequi was gathered from PubMed, MedLine, Scopus, the Web of Science, Science Direct, Springer, De Gruter, and MedNow by searching for the keywords ‘Zeequn Nafas,’ ‘Dama,’ ‘Bronchial Asthma,’ ‘Habb,’ ‘Habb-e-Hindi Zeequi,’ ‘Calotropis procera,’ ‘Aconitum chasmanthum,’. The information was also aggregated from Unani books published in different languages, viz. Urdu, English, and Persian. In unani medicine Habb-e-Hindi Zeeqi are used primarily in the management of respiratory tract disorders specifically in the control of Zeequn Nafas. Studies of ingredients showed antispasmodic, analgesic, anti-inflammatory, and antioxidant activities. Information concerning the preclinical, clinical, physiochemical standardization and ethno-medical properties of Habb-e-Hindi Zeequi is insufficient and scattered. In this article, the authors try to compile all the information they can find regarding Habb-e-Hindi Zeequi and its ingredient. Also, it gives a brief overview of the therapeutic importance of this formulation in the control and management of Zeequn Nafas.

Keyword: Habb-e-Hindi Zeqqui, Zeequn Nafas, Bronchial Asthma, Unani,


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