
  • Dr. Vrinda Prashant Kadu


In today's world, it has been seen that the majority of individuals suffer from at least one chronic condition. Insomnia affects up to 80% of persons with chronic conditions, posing a serious health risk. The most important thing is to get enough sleep. Insomnia affects the majority of individuals nowadays, even the younger generation. A circumstance or condition of insufficient sleep is known as sleep deprivation. Daytime dysfunction, lower immunity, emotional sensitivity, diminished resilience, memory lapses, and major disease processes are all linked to insufficient sleep. Insomnia has three distinct symptoms: trouble getting asleep, difficulty remaining asleep, and weariness during the day. Stress, worry, sadness, and pain are all variables that contribute to persistent sleeplessness. In the field of mental health, the link between depression and anxiety is well-known.Because of the unfavourable association between insomnia and chronic disease, mental health, and pain, this issue is receiving a lot of attention in the scientific community. According to certain research, treating insomnia and concomitant chronic conditions at the same time might enhance disease and insomnia results. As a consequence, insomnia management should be a part of overall health maintenance. We are attempting to evaluate the many study findings in regard to sleeplessness in pain, mental health, and cancer patients in this article.

Key-words: Insomnia, Pain, Depression, Cancer, Mental health, Sleep disturbance, Disease.


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