
  • Dr. Manjunath S Naregal


Back ground: Charmakeela is a common disease encountered in a surgical practice .We gets the reference of this as charmakeela in sushrutha samhitha which almost dates back to 1500 BC.

Charmakeela is a variety of Kshudra Roga. Acharya Sushrutha explained that aggravated Vyanavayu along with Kapha gives rise to peg like; immovable sprouts on the skin called as Charmakeela/Twagarsha. 1

                In contemporary science, it can be compared with warts which are the hyperplasia of all the layer of epidermis with acanthosis, papillomatosis and hyperkeratosis interspersed with area of parakeratosis. 2

                Charmakeela (warts) is a disease confined to body surface, it is bothersome due to its common occurrence in hands, higher incidence of 7-10% of the population with the recurrence rate of 48%  and poor cosmetic aspects. In spite of having different modalities of treatment for warts, a promising therapy to cure and prevent its recurrence is still an essential goal to be accomplished.

Since agnikarma is having ushna guna, it acts against the qualities of vata and kapha dosha, there by cures vataja and kaphaja disorders and prevents the recurrence. Hence acharya Sushrutha and Vagbhata have advocated agnikarma as one of the treatment modalities for charmakeela. 

Key Words: - Agnikarma, Charmakeela, cosmetic value, recurrence.


Acharya Sushrutha ,Sushruta Samhitha with Nibandha Sangraha Commentary of Sri Dalhana Acharya and nyaya chandrika panjika of Gayadasacharya, Edited by Vaidya Jayadevji Trikamji ,1 stedition , reprint 2014, Published by Coukhamba Surabarathi prakashana, Varanasi,nidanasthana – 2/18th, 19th, 20th, Pg:275, Pp:824.

David E. Elder, lever’s, Histopathology of the skin, 5th edition.1975, published by Lippincott williams and wilkins, Philadelphia, pg: 60, Pp: 1337.

K.V. Krishnadas, Text book of medicine, 5th edition, 2008, Jaypee brother’s medical publication, Delhi, p:1350, Pp:1466.

Guptha’s, Text book of Dermatology, 1st Edition, 2002, Jaypee publications, Delhi, Pg: 79, Pp: 186.

Acharya Sushrutha ,Sushruta Samhitha with Nibandha Sangraha Commentary of Sri Dalhana Acharya and nyaya chandrika panjika of Gayadasacharya, Edited by Vaidya Jayadevji Trikamji ,1 stedition , reprint 2014, Published by Coukhamba Surabarathi prakashana, Varanasi, nidanasthana – 2/18th, 19th, 20th, Pg:275, Pp:824.

Acharya Sushrutha, Sushruta Samhitha with Nibandha Sangraha Commentary of Sri Dalhana Acharya and nyaya chandrika panjika of Gayadasacharya, Edited by Vaidya Jayadevji Trikamji, 1 stedition, reprint 2014, Published by Coukhamba Surabarathi prakashana, Varanasi, suthrasthana – 12/10th, Pg:52, Pp:824.

Acharya Vagbhata, Ashtanga Hridaryam, Sarvangasundhari Vyakya by Arunadatta and Ayurveda Rasayana by Hemadri, Collated by Dr.AnnaMoreswar Kunte and Krishna Ramachandra Shastri Navre, Edited by P.T.Bhishakacharya Harishastri Paradkar Vaidya,Reprint edition 2006, Printed by Chowkhamba Press Varanasi , Published by Krishnadas Academy Varanasi, Nidanasthana 7/57, 58, Pg:494, Pp:959.






Original Research Article