
  • Dr Gopika S V Gokul
  • Dr. Sonia .


In the current era having major public health issues associated with various communicable diseases. Due to low socio economical standard, poor hygienic conditions and population explosion, communicable diseases have become a serious threat to the society in our developing country. Rasayana therapy is particularly helpful in management of such a disorder where immunity and infections are playing central role. In today’s context, the whole world is facing the communicable and infectious pandemic, termed Covid 19.No any specific treatment modality is been established till date. There are many post covid infections especially related to Respiratory tract including breathing difficulty, severe tiredness and Dry cough. Rasayana which gives strength to the Pranavaha srotas and prevent the recurrent Respiratory tract infections will be useful in this condition. “Agasthya haritaki avaleha being one such preparation which is best Vyaadhihara as well as Rasayana( Curative and rejuvenative treatment) in pranavaha srotodushti vikaras. It enhances the quality of Dhatus & this performs its Vyadhinashana functions and deals with prevention and rehabilitation of Vatakapha pradhanaja vyadhis .In Covid 19 disease, the most affected srotas is Pranavaha and it consists Vatakaphakara lakshanas. Agasthya haritaki has clinically proven that it is best in rehabilitation and curative aspects of pranavaha srotodushti vikaras. Hence present paper is an attempt to evaluate the role of agasthya haritaki as preventive and rehabilitative effect in Covid-19. 

Key words: - Rasayana therapy, Communicable disorders, Covid 19, Respiratory tract infections, Agasthya haritaki avaleha, post covid complications.


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