
  • Khadija Abdul Hafiz Nationa Institute of Unani Medicine, Bengaluru
  • Davinder Kumar
  • Dr. Imran Khan
  • Kaleem Ahmad


Background: Ma’jun Sana is an important and well known formulation of Unani System of Medicine, claimed to be effective for the management of diseases of stomach, intestine, brain and joints.

Aim of the study: To evaluate the therapeutic effect of Ma’jun Sana on the basis of pharmacological action and pharmacological studies of its ingredients.

Methodology: A bibliographic database for review of literature on Ma’jun Sana was undertaken using the viz. Pub Med, Google Scholar, Science Direct, and Scopus. The information was also collected from different books of Unani literature and conventional medical science.

Result: Ma’jun Sana & it’s ingredients have laxative & purgative property due to presence of anthraquinone glycoside whereas some ingredient has antioxidant property that strengthens the body organ & these activities are proved by different in vitro & experimental studies.

Conclusion: Ma’jun Sana has proven to be beneficial to counter the effects of constipation. So, more scientific studies and clinical trials are needed on this compound formulation to ensure its scientific validation for clinical use in patients in general and in elderly in particular.

Keyword: Ma’jun Sana; laxative; purgative; antioxidant

Author Biography

  • Khadija Abdul Hafiz, Nationa Institute of Unani Medicine, Bengaluru
    Department of Ilmul Advia (Pharmacology)


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