
  • Sayeedur Rahman Hayat Unani Medical College and Research Center, Lucknow
  • Najeeb Jahan National Institute of Unani Medicine, Bengaluru
  • Mohd Asad National Research institute of Unani Medicine for skin disorders


Back ground: Mazaryun (Daphne oleoides Schreb.) is an anti-pyretic drug in Unani medicine used after detoxification and it is defined under fourth-degree drugs.

Objectives: To evaluate and compare the anti-pyretic activity of crude and detoxified Mazaryun in maximum and minimum doses.

Materials and Methods: Anti-pyretic activity was carried out by Brewer’s yeast -induced pyrexia test. Wistar rats of either sex, weighing 150-200 gm, were divided into seven groups (I, II, IIIA, IIIB, IVA, IVB, and V) of six animals in each.

Results: Test used: ANOVA repeated measure for intra group comparison and ANOAV one way for inter group comparison with Tukey-Kramer Multiple comparison test. ***-p<0.001 with respect to group V positive control 60, 120 and 180 min., **-p<0.01 with respect to group V positive control 60 and 120 min., *-p<0.05 with respect to group V positive control 180 min. *+-p<0.05 with respect to group V positive control 180 min. #-p>0.05 no significant with respect to group V.

Conclusion: The study standardised the concept of detoxication in Unani medicine, as the detoxified Mazaryun showed low significant in pyrexia.

Key words: Mazaryun, Detoxification, Pyrexia, Brewer’s yeast

Author Biographies

  • Sayeedur Rahman, Hayat Unani Medical College and Research Center, Lucknow

    Assistant professor

    Department of Pharmacology

  • Najeeb Jahan, National Institute of Unani Medicine, Bengaluru


    Department of Pharmacology

  • Mohd Asad, National Research institute of Unani Medicine for skin disorders

    PG scholar

    Department of Pharmacology


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Original Research Article