
  • Dr Vivek Kumar
  • Dr Sakshi Sakshi
  • Dr Jannu Manohar
  • Dr Subhas Upadhyay


The Chakra has its own importance in Ayurveda. They are considered loci of life energy, or Prana (Shakti), which is thought to flow among them along pathways called Nadis. There are six primary Chakras namely Muladhara, Svadhisthan, Manipura, AnahAnahat, Vishuddha and Ajna Chakra. Sthana of Swadisthana and MuladharaChakra is linga and gud and important function of Apana vata is Niskraman of mutra, shukra hence establishing relationship between Swadhisthana, Muladhara and Apana Vata. Hrudhaya is the Sthana of Anahat Chakra and function of Pranvata is in Hrudhaya hence establishing relationship between Anahat Chakra and Pranvata. Sthanof Vishudh Chakra is Kantha and function of Udana vata is Vakpravrutti with the aid of Kanth hence establishing relationship between Vishudh Chakra and Udana vata. Sthana of Manipur Chakra is Nabhi and Saman Vata isAgni Samipastha which is at the level of Nabhi hence establishing relationship between Manipur Chakra and Saman Vata. Ajna Chakra represents Avyakta (union of Prakriti and Purush)) hence not related to any Vata. Shatchakra and Vata dosha described in Ayurved Samhitas which works together as a system to balancephysical and mental health of an individual. The effort is made to establish interrelationship of Shatchakra and Vata dosha according to Vatakarma in Ayurveda

Keywords: Shatchakra, Vata, Sthana, Vatakarma


Agnivesha, Charak, Drudhbala, Charak Samhita, Sutrasthan, Vatakalakaliya Adhyaya, 12/8. Prof. PriyavratSharma, Chaukhambha, Orientalia, Varanasi;2011

Vagbhata, Ashtang Hridaya (Sarvangsundara of Arundatta and Ayurveda Rasayan of Hemadri). Sutrasthan,Doshadividnyaniya Doshbhediya Adhyaya12/4-9. HariSadashiv Shastri Paradakara, Chaukhamba SurbhartiPrakashan, Varanasi 2011

Sathya N. Dornala, Snehalatha SN Dornala. Multidi-mentional Effects of Shirodhara On Psycho-somaticAxis in the Management of Psycho-Physiological


