
  • Dr. Surekha B. Khandekar
  • Dr. Pansare Tabassum Arif
  • Dr.Madhuri Kulkarni
  • Dr. Pranjali Kharat
  • Dr Dinesh Bahirwade


Sudarshana (Crinum Latifolium Linn) belongs to family Amaryllidaceae has a great importance due to its medicinal properties and for ornamental values found to be useful in plantation in homes, gardens etc. It produces beautiful white flower. Leaves also marked for its ornamental purpose. This plants mature mother bulb producing several new small adventitious bulbs around its body and are significantly used to propagate by vegetative modes. Sudarshana (Crinum Latifolium Linn) possess predominant Madhur tikta rasa, Ushna veerya and Madhur vipak. In Ayurveda Sudarshan is commonly used as a Kushtaghna (Useful in skin diseases), jvraghna (anti pyretic), shodhahara (anti-inflammatory), Krumighna (to kill warms).The useful part of Sudarshana is leaf and rhizome. The main chemical constituents of Crinum latifolium the rhizome of the plant contains Glucans Alkoloids-zeylamine crinofoline,crinofolidine,tazetine,flexinine,harmenthamine,ambelline, galanthamine.The leaves contain alkaloids latifine, cherilline, 3-0-acetalamine, crinomine and crinine. The plant includes much medicinal property and is used in multifold directions/purpose to treat varied disorders such as anti-oxidant, Anti-microbial, Anthelmintic. This rivew give detail information regarding Crinum Latifolium Linn. The present review article provides up-to-date information on the medicinal properties of the plant.

KEYWORDS: Crinum, Ornamental, Sudarshana, Amaryllidaceae, Jvraghna


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