
  • Dr. Mrityunjoy Baroi


Premature contraction of the uterus is the very first sign of premature labour, which is followed by progressive changes in cervix such as effacement and dilatation. Four or more uterine contractions with or without pain per hour is a major biophysical predictor of preterm labour. According to the WHO statistics, every year, an estimated 15 million babies are born preterm and this number is rising. Although tocolyticagents are used to suppress premature contractions and prevent preterm labour, it is not proven to be efficacious in preventing preterm birth or reducing neonatal mortality or morbidity. As per Ayurveda, Akala Prasava (preterm labour) results due to the malfunctioning of Apana Vayu (a type of Vata Dosha which is responsible for the excretory action). Basti (medicated enema therapy) is considered the best for managing the deranged ApanaVayu.. Basti is also indicated in Garbhini Paricharya (routine antenatal care) after completion of seven months of pregnancy. In this present A case study, SAHACHARADI TAILA MATRA BASTI was administered in a 28 year old multigravida patient of 34 weeks gestation with premature contractions, Perrectal Basti with 60 ml/days for 5 days. SAHACHARADI TAILA MATRA BASTI administered for 5 consecutive days was found to be effective in preventing the uterine contractions and further advancement to preterm labour. The drugs in SAHACHARADI TAILA MATRA BASTI possess balancing of vata dosha properties which may effectively in the progress of premature contractions.

Keywords: Akala prasav,premature contraction,preterm labor,sahacharyadi tailamatra basti


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Case Study Research Article