
  • Bahuraj Janagound Pundalik SDM trust Ayurveda Medical College, Terdal
  • Reena Kulkarni SDM Institute of Ayurveda and Hospital, Bengaluru
  • Sahana C L


Introduction: Kasa is a disease of pranavaha srotas, more common in children due to their inherent anatomical and immunological deficits. Kasa presents with constellation of symptoms with cough as main feature. In Kaphaja kasa the predominant dosha is kapha  and it  manifests as cough with white, thick and sticky expectoration. There are hardly any published data on recurrent cough in children and effect of Pippali (Piper longum Linn.) on kasa in children. Thus, the aim of the trial was to evaluate pippali churna on kaphaja kasa. Materials and method: An open label, quasi, experimental trial to evaluate Pippali churna on kaphaja kasa children aged 2 to 7years. Assessment was done based on changes in clinical features using CASA-Q questionnaire before and after therapy. The changes were assessed using wilcoxon sign rank test. Results: The present study shows that Pippali churna is effective in reducing the clinical features of Kaphaja kasa and its impact in terms of reduced frequency of cough (p=0.002), severity of cough (p=0.001), shortness of breath (p=0.025), annoyed after cough and sputum (p=0.002), avoidance to public places (p=0.003), interruption in activities (p=0.002), conversation (p=0.007) and improved sleep (p=0.008). Discussion: Pippali churna is effective in reducing the symptoms of kaphaja kasa in children by virtue of its deepana, pachana, kapha hara and rasayana properties. Pippali churna with milk did not show any untoward effects in the proposed dose and duration o f the study. Conclusion: Pippali churna by and large is effective on kaphaja kasa in children.

Key words: Ayurveda, CASA-Q, Kaphaja Kasa, Pippali churna, Rasayana

Author Biographies

  • Bahuraj Janagound Pundalik, SDM trust Ayurveda Medical College, Terdal
    Department of Kaumarabhritya
  • Sahana C L
    consultant Ayurveda Pediatrician,Hemanth clinic,Channapattana, Hassan-73201


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