
  • Siddappa Naragatti
  • Dr. Garima Garima


This review paper focuses on management of benign prostate hyperplasia (BPH) in yogic practice also called prostate gland enlargement. It is a common condition seen in older men. Yoga is an ancient science which treats considering holistic health.  It offers lifestyle management to many common psychosomatic disorders and illness along with               prevention of diseases, preservation and promotion of health. By the process of purification, harmonious interaction and development, conscious control of many physiological, biochemical, neurological, psychological etc. The objective experimentation is the most important aspect of searching the truth employed by modern science that search into many practices of yoga demands both subjective as well as objective tools for understanding the effects for further application and wider acceptance. While laying too much importance on the objective variables, researchers-conducting study in yoga tends to miss many subjective aspects of a diseased person. In fact, yoga treats the individual as a whole while modern science conducts research concentrating upon a particular organ or a disease. Studies conducted on many yogic practices for the management of BPH around the world by researchers and experts were lopsided, though revealed very important information and suggested possible role as an alternative and adjunctive mode of treatment.

Key words: management prostate enlargement yogic practices,


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