
  • Rajesh Kumar Dharua Rishikul Campus, U.A.U, Haridwar.


Psoriasis is fundamentally an inflammatory skin condition with reactive abnormal epidermal differentiation and hyper-proliferation affecting 2-3% of world’s population. Pathophysiology of the disease includes mainly the activation and migration of T cells to the dermis triggering the release of cytokines (tumor necrosis factor-alpha TNF-alpha, in particular) which lead to the inflammation and the rapid production of skin cells. The possible factors and triggers causing psoriasis include emotional stress, skin injury, systemic infections, certain medications and intestinal upsets. Various types of psoriasis have been reported such as plaque psoriasis, psoriatic arthritis, scalp psoriasis, flexural psoriasis, guttate psoriasis, pustular psoriasis, nail psoriasis, erythrodermic psoriasis which can be diagnosed by clinical findings such as skin biopsies etc. therapeutic agents that either modulate the immune system or normalize the differentiation program of psoriatic keratinocytes are suggested for treating psoriasis. Based on the type of psoriasis, its location, extent and severity there are various treatment regimens available for psoriasis is such as topical agents, phototherapy, systemic agents which can help to control the symptoms. In Ayurveda, it can be equated with Eka Kushtha. Various treatment plans in the form of Shodhana & Shamana have been mentioned in Ayurvedic texts regarding this disease. This review aims to cover each and every aspect of the disease.



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Web MD Medical Reference/Reviewed by Stephanie.S. Gardener MD ON June 05,2015.

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